a few years ago my sister gave me this quote. it helped her through a difficult period in her life. it's a magnet on the fridge. for the past couple of years i've seen it each time i reach into the fridge. the lines are committed to memory.-- E.M. Forester"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
it wasn't until the other day that i really looked at it, again, in a new light. with my recent lay-off, dealing with unemployment benefits, and trying to make a decision about what to do with my life -- this quote really seems to hit home lately.
the difficulty is -- i've lost myself, so i don't even know what the plan is anymore. it brings to mind another quote - "let go and let God". how many times have i heard that one --
letting go of the past helps to embrace the future and the new experiences that lie ahead. that is not to say that we forget the past, but we can't continue to live there. it's time to put the "what-ifs" and doubts aside and embrace the life that is waiting for us.
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