i was out running some errands today, and my last stop was walmart. i was looking for the perfect bunch of bananas when a woman approched me.
"hi, how are you? we were just talking about you and your mom the other day."
i must have had a strange look on my face because the woman went on to tell me she was one of my mom's nurses - and then i recognized her - took a minute, she wasn't in scrubs.
i remember - which time i'm not sure - i remember one time we checked her back in through the er. as they wheeled her upstaris to her room - me following behind, the nurses waved and called her by name as we went past thier stations. a clear indication that we had been there too much --or was it.
the woman was embarrassed when i told her of my mother's death in october -- she apologized over and over. i told her not to be silly -- how was she to know. i thanked her for everything she did for my mom - i remember she was my mom's nurse when she was signed out of the hospital on her birthday. my mom's doctor - whom she was close with, sent her a small birthday cake. we sat around eating cake with the nurses as we gathered her things to go home. the nurse -- i remembered her name is nicole - - said she had never seen that happen before - a doctor sending a cake to a patient. my mom and her docotor had that kind of relationship. my mom had that kind of relationship with alot of people.
on the way home in the car i thought about the interaction. it made me smile. i realized that there were still pieces of mom left behind. like the balloons in the picture - little things she left floating behind. she touched many lives with her kindness - hope that is something i can do, something i've learned from her.
love you mom! xoxo
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