i've been noticing a common thread running through the fabric of my life --- fear. i've worked through lots of it -- but there is still some sticking around.
my newest -- well, it's hard to put a handle on it -- or a name. is it the fear of failure, or fear of success? i ran across this qute the other day -- it hs stuck with me, it rings true for me today:
We walk away from our dreams afraid we may fail, or worse yet, afraid we may succeed.
last week i went to see a CPA, and figured out exactly what it is i need to do. today, i filed a form to collect sales tax , and tomorrow i head to the county clerk's office to file a "doing business as" certificate. then -- it's set up a bank account, a pay pal account, set up a store front, build some inventory and hit the ground running.
will i get everything right, well i hope so, but probably not. but, i'm so excited. it's time to get this ball rolling -- i won't know if i can do it until i try it -- another quote i found today:
fears are temporary - regrets are forever.so -- here is to living with no regrets! i'll keep you posted as to when the shop is up and running. i'm shooting for July 1st.
with God's help things will turn out just the way they should!
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